Membership Dues

Member dues are needed to pay for maintaining the common areas, taxes, maintenance, utilities, and administrative supplies and equipment at the community building.  Attorney fees, costs to post liens, and judgements also are paid from dues.

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Road Fees

All camper sections roads are privately maintained because they do not meet minimum requirements of state roads.  The road fees are needed to help maintained the roads.

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Who is responsible for Improving the Community

Ultimately, all owners, residents, and tenants shoulder the responsibility for keeping the community safe and beautiful.  Currituck County is not equipped to handle small individual complaints of thousands of residents.  That is the main purpose of the POA.  Neighbors helping neighbors has worked well in the past.

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Since 1993

The Association

The Walnut Island Property Owner Association has improved the quality of life at Walnut Island in many ways that are not always apparent to individual owners.  Over the past several years it has played a major role in coordination with the county and the sanitation district in upgrading our sewage disposal and treatment system.  WIPOA also coordinated with the county to upgrading the water supply and treatment system.

What will the future look like?

Several recent recommendation:

  • Canal Maintenance: Several canal exit points at Currituck Sound are rapidly becoming a hazard.  Shoaling build up will need to be dredged from this areas.  This project was completed November 2019.
  • Community Boat Ramp:  It has been suggested a community boat ramp would attract interest of future property purchasers.
  • Expand POA Membership Base.  The mobile home section must follow the covenants of WIPOA but not required to pay membership dues.  Reaching out to these owners to help increase the WIPOA membership base.
  • Update our restricted covenants and by laws to conform to todays standard.
  • Increase our revenue stream by renting out clubhouse.  Increased revenue provides our member with more amenities.
  • Update Bylaws.  Bylaws updated 5/2022
  • Ensure monies in road account are sufficient to cover repaving of all WIPOA responsible streets. Road fees raised to $1.00 per foot of frontage road.
  • Due to rising cost of maintaining public areas and building, increase membership dues.


NOTE:  Federal, State, and local government require more stringent regulations in waterside communities, WI will be required to comply.  Examples are septic tanks replaced with government waster waste treatment facilities,  and water sport equipment contamination containment.




Walnut Island Property Association Clubhouse


Yard of the Month

148 shell

May 2024

Yard of the Month

148 Shell


June 2024

Yard of the Month

161 Mallard

134 dolphin

July 2024

Yard of the Month

134 Dolphin


August 2024

Yard of the Month

137 Shell